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Male Brain.
Expressing negativity, but also being a positive
You encourage people to their best, but as much as
you appreciate their effort, you always want more from them. Like a boxing
coach, giving them some though love.
What stops guys from being them the best selves – is
that they parent themselves too much. So hard on themselves, that they never do
what they want. Do not over parent yourself.
Give yourself a credit for the progress that you
made. Hard-earned validation is good.
If you are seeking mentorship and permission, and
still did not got it, then:
You are not letting something in
They are not at the point of life where
you want to be.
Alex mentions that he does not read self-help book,
except “Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman, and his knowledge comes from
Recommends book by “Louann Brizendine”.
Mentions different age brackets from this book:
17-23 – Your body simple cannot comprehend that you
are entitles to money, women and etc. Responds very well to regimentation (like
army, university). Lose-Lose.
24-27 – Too much sense of entitlement at the expense
of other people. Drinking, partying and asshole mentality etc. Win-Lose.
28-32 – Warrior phase. Very comfortable with
yourself. Job to do. Very confident, affecting people in a positive way.
Next phase - Giving yourself to the higher cause.
This is automatic hormonal phases.
Alex shows some different infield videos, where his
style of game shows different age brackets.
Humility for Progress vs. Internal Motivation.
Without motivation game doesn’t work. Your sense of
influence onto others is your biggest source of motivation.
Alex asks student who has better game between two of
them. The answer always should be that YOU have the better game. Be
competitive. Step the f up. Humility stands in the way.
You have to believe that you can beat anyone or
achieve anything.
Smile. Agree. And do what you wanted to do anyway!
As a man you don’t have a privilege of being lazy.
Reward yourself at the end of the day.
3 stage of motivation:
Bitch stage – don’t need motivation,
everything is taken care of.
Emo motivation – parents/school
withdraw. They have to take care of themselves. The world sucks and etc. Don’t
get stuck in this stage. Take responsibility for yourself. Take action and have
spark in your eyes. Adjust your brain to fight for what you want.
Boss motivation.
If you want to develop yourself – be more
aggressive, get more money, get more girls. You are allowed to be greedy and
You need to be a bit of an asshole. Fight to win,
because you love competitive games.
Your thinking should be this: “I want everything for
myself, because I know how to use it wisely”.
Alex talks about his personal prayer, that when he
wake ups he appreciates freedom.
You have a privilege to live in this world, so don’t
control, inspiration only.
Confidence - When you perceive that, nothing holds
you back. Freedom of life.
Let anxiety unravel into relaxation. If you are
bored, your anxiety fades away. You have to be bored, before you are confident.
Embrace whatever emotion you are in. You only
achieve happiness if you are chill.
When you are relaxed, you have full monopolization
of your emotions. Only you control your emotions.
Alex does not like definition of state, or being
pumped up, as it is usually represents a way to cover your anxiety and looking
for reactions from girls.
Girls should feel no cognitive dissonance in you
when you are interacting with them.
When someone says “I’m not in state” is stupid, or even
more stupid is “I’m in state, I’m so pumped up!”. Your focus is to leave with
Best way to face your anxiety is to 4x Rule – re-approach
your set four times.
Confidence comes from letting go of things, and not
from acquiring girls, money and power.
So many guys think they can control girls. They are
very analytical. But in this area of life, you cannot control human beings. Try
to inspire them.
If you are expressing yourself, she would be drawn
Expression, not impression. Share yourself without
needing anything back. You have to amuse yourself without expecting anything.
Be entertained, but never at expense of others.
As a strong willed individual, you have accept that
you are going to die alone. You cant control a human being to be in your life.
Don’t take people in your life for granted.
Learn how to say no and use full range of emotions.
Attraction does not mean a lot. Girls go home with
guys who are they comfortable with.
Show emotional vulnerability. Alex shows infield
where he talks to girl about his drinking problem.
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